the Tastemaker
The table is a meeting place, a gathering ground, the source of sustenance and nourishment, festivity, safety, and satisfaction. A person cooking is a person giving: Even the simplest food is a gift.
— Laurie Colwin
A love of food, drinks, and everything it takes to make for a fabulous dining experience. From a gorgeously set table to recipes and cocktails that add to the ambience, entertaining is something that has been a major part of my family life since I can remember.
As I got older, entertaining was definitely something that found its way into my professional and personal lives. I wouldn't call myself a "foodie," but I absolutely love trying new things and expanding my palate.
That passion for cooking and baking has always been a part of how I express myself, and I love discovering scouring cookbooks new and old for recipes to add my personal spin to.
The Tastemaker explores food recipes, cocktail and mocktail twists, charcuterie boards, desserts, dining tablescapes, and a whole lot of inspiration, per Chance.