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Summer Wardrobe Revamp

Online shopping is so wonderful for someone who is a self-proclaimed “recovering shopaholic” - it’s a dangerous and risky game, and I love it. It’s the type of restraint that keeps my anxiety at a curious level of not wanting to go into severe debt but also imagining myself in all of these fabulous combinations of outfits. It also lets me picture myself in all of those wonderful vacation spots of my wildest, although delusional, dreams.

When I planned this blog in my head in the past, I always thought that it would include my ridiculous yet ponderously delusional and theoretical online shopping sprees. Very rarely do I let myself splurge, but the constant output of new clothes from all of my favorite brands just becomes so swoon-worthy that it’s impossible not to indulge myself in my perfect closet.

My background in styling and selling to women has always been something that comes extremely naturally to me, and I always love to scroll through my favorite womenswear brands because there is nothing more telling of the current trends and styling than women’s clothing - it’s inevitable, women run the world. Throughout my vast personal online shopping addiction, I have always loved finding garments that are perfect for my two best girlfriends; we are always talking about clothes and styling, and the group chat is lousy with outfit options and styling tips.

This week is the summer solstice, which means that it is officially summer. As I have always said, summer is the absolute worst - temperature-wise that is. The clothes, on the other hand, are my favorite. Color, shape and the opportunity to style clothes in an interesting way always make summer a fun season to look forward to.

In my never-ending online shopping spree and adding to cart, I have curated my favorites into my dream ‘add to cart’ list of men’s styles. Because it’s so easy to peruse through men’s and women’s clothing, I’ve also pulled some of my favorite women’s looks with some of my girlfriends in mind.

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